Victor Olliver Astro-consultancy
For another perspective on your life
Astrology can do that - offer another way of looking at your life. Within a birth chart (or horoscope) is potential and it's my job as astrologer to interpret this symbolic map of you.
You may just be curious about the subject, or you're seeking a new direction or guidance in your life - or you're keen to obtain a greater understanding of another person or a situation. Astrology can help you. It can tell you of the strengths and weaknesses in a relationship, identify a great holiday destination based on your chart, outline the basic shape of your life in a period ahead. Even profile a company (or your boss!). Want to know more?
What I won't do is tell you what to do. If absolute certainties are what you desire then this is not the right place for you.
But if you're keen on a different type of life adventure, willing to test the ancient art of astrology in your own life, then get in touch. My email address is at the top of this site. Or use the contact box below.
And do read my legal notice before you place an order. This outlines what astrology can and cannot do.
My Background
One of the UK's leading astrologers
I have a distinction diploma in world and natal astrology from the Mayo School of Astrology in London, and I'm a member of the Association of Professional Astrologers International. Aside from my consultancy work, I also edit the Astrological Association's magazine The Astrological Journal and write the fortnightly stars column in The Lady magazine.
My background is in journalism and editing, and I have two PPA awards for my feature work in magazines.
I do a lot of broadcast media work also - here's one example, my appearance on Voice America's astrology show: click here.
Below is a video guide to this website and how to use it - I also advise on the best approach to an astrological consultation. What to expect, what to avoid. Message me on the Contact form if you have a question.
Astrological forecasting, advice and fees
Visit my shop (or click the link at the top of the site) where you'll find details of my services and fees. Alternatively, you can email me first to talk about which service might suit you best or about fees - in some instances these can be negotiated to suit your budget and needs. You can pay automatically through this site or I can send you an electronic invoice from PayPal (see below) once we have agreed a price.
Astrology can be used for further self-enlightenment or to get a sense of future trends. While there are techniques to deal with specific questions, astrology should not be thought of as offering certain or fixed outcomes. It guides, advises and identifies favourable and unfavourable time phases; but you remain in control of your life and you make your own choices. My fees are for the work done on your behalf and not for guaranteeing forecasts or outcomes.
My services include:
Birth chart analysis
Solar returns (year ahead forecasts from your birthday)
Compatibility analysis
Electionals (choosing the most opportune moment for an event, such as a wedding or launching a business)
Specific questions (however, not all questions can be answered)
Introductory chart report (useful if you're new to astrology and you're looking for a sampler)
Horoscope as a gift to a friend or loved one
Zoom (audio or visiual) or phone reading
All services require you to supply your birth details (plus clock-time if you know it) and location of birth. Once you have made an order email me your birth details or use the contact form at the bottom of the site.
Email me for my no-obligation complete list of services and fees, as well as guidance as to the nature of astrology.

Guidance on payment method
Payment for my services is made in advance via PayPal. You don't have to be on PayPal to use it. PayPal offers buyer and seller protection and is very easy to use. Other payment methods can be used, but message me first.
I am the editor of one of the world's leading astrology magazines, The Astrological Journal, published by the Astrological Association

My fortnightly stars column is published in The Lady, Britain's longest-running women's magazine